BACTOSTAT™ 不同於含金屬類抗菌劑(銀、銅、鋅等)、金屬化合物、納米微粒或殺菌劑的析出或塗層抗菌技術。BACTOSTAT™ 技術把活性成分在塑料原料生產過程納入到聚合物結構中,令游離細菌難以在BACTOSTAT™ 斥菌塑料製品表面停留,增生和生長。

BACTOSTAT™ 斥菌防黴塑膠的特點

  • 健康環保 : 沒有可浸出、可釋出和可吸入的添加劑進入人體、土壤以及水生物
  • 沒有殺菌劑:不含任何殺菌類藥或金屬類抗菌劑(銀、銅、鋅等)、金屬化合物、納米微粒,或易引起過敏的有機物(三氯生、苯甲酸脂、氯己定、雙胍類等)
  • 無生物威脅:不會產生超級細菌
  • 持久保護:無析出、無塗層,長效斥菌,保持塑膠基材一樣的使用壽命
  • 食品接觸安全:符合美國FDA和歐盟第10/2011號指令要求
  • 通過美國材料與試驗協會(ASTM)G21G22測試:自有的內在 抗斥性使得微生物(細菌、黴菌、真菌和酵母菌)的生長率趨向於零。
  • 無毒 : 對人類、動物以及自然環境安全,不含雙酚A,不含鄰苯二甲酸鹽


Test Result of BACTOSTAT™ Antimicrobial Polymers

Tested Item Test Method, Result & Certifications Tested By
PA Bacteria Repellent Rate at 94.95% under ASTM E3371-22 test on S.Aureus Intertek
PP Mould resistance test under ASTM G21-15 with ZERO(0) mould growth rating at 28days. Intertek
PP Antiviral rate at 90% under ISO 21702 test on SARS-CoV-2 Omicron variant BA.2 VRS
PP Antiviral rate at 95.14% under ISO 21702 test on HCoV-229E CAS
PP H3N2 Antiviural Activity Rate at 99.95% under ISO 21702:2019 Gmicro
PP S.Aureus Bacteria Repellent Rate at 99.89% under ISO22196 repellent test AVI
PP S.Aureus antibacterial rate at 97.5% under ISO22196-2011 test Intertek
Home PP Bacteria Repellent Rate at 99.99% under ISO22196 repellent test on S.Aureus AVI
MMBS Bacteria Repellent Rate at 98.50% under ISO22196 repellent test on S.Aureus SGS
MMBS Bacteria Repellent Rate at 88.10% under ISO22196 repellent test on E.Coli SGS
PP Passed Acute Systemic Toxicity Test (GB/T 16886.11-2011) SDWH
PP Passed In Vitro Hemolytic Test (GB/T 16886.4-2003) SDWH
TPE Mould resistance test under ASTM G21-15 with ZERO(0) mould growth rating at 28days. Intertek
TPE Bacteria Repellent Rate at 99.99% under ASTM WK66122 test on S.Aureus Intertek
TPE Bacteria Repellent Rate at 94.20% under ASTM WK66122 test on E.Coli Intertek
TPE Antibacterial activity rate at Log 2.57(99.73%) under JIS Z 2801 test on E.Coli SGS
TPE Antibacterial activity rate at Log 1.65(97.73%) under JIS Z 2801 test on S.Aureus SGS
RPP Bacteria Repellent Rate at 99.10% under ASTM E3371-22 test on S.Aureus Intertek
PBT Bacteria Repellent Rate at 99.999% under ASTM WK66122 test on S.Aureus Intertek